Almost 90 % of women and 10 % of men are affected by Cellulite having appearance of lumpy and dimpled skin. It all starts with the layer of fat beneath the skin pushing against connective tissue. It has a  character of orange peel appearance. It has many factors how cellulites develop.

The process of developing cellulite is more than skin deep. It is a combination of hormone changes, poor circulation, reduction in the production of collagen and most of all, fat cells getting in larger in size, and  thin collagen layers would increase developing cellulite.


PelleFirm is an FDA approved device for body treatment that revitalize skin through a combination of deep tissue heating and mechanical massage to temporarily reduce the appearance  of cellulite. The treatment leaves you with a smoother skin and an overall healthier appearance. PelleFirm delivers deep heating to the layers of the skin by applying consistent heat from hand-piece using advanced radio frequency energy.

The PellFirm hand-piece aids in natural fluid evacuation  from the body in the cellulite prone areas. It is comfortable and effective and can be done immediately before important events such as wedding/prom/summer vacation or as supporting treatments in your overall skin regimen. Get the result right the. No need to wait for result.

It is a safe and effective solution for clients seeking non-surgical options to improve the appearance of their body regions such as belly, buttock, thighs and upper arms.  PelleFirm will tighten up loose skin  either from excessive weight lost as a result of fat reduction from SculpSure.

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