Areola Restoration and Re-pigmentation


Areola re-pigmentation can be done as early as 3 months after breast surgery. Whether it is due to cancer or voluntary reduction or augmentation of breast, the nipples will be absent or altered. It is an imperative procedure for any women who would be devastated having cancer surgery then  losing her breasts and nipples. Re-pigmentation of the areola makes them feel more feminine and  complete as a woman. It is a life changing experience and done painlessly.


Utilizing 3-Dimensional techniques, color tonal scales along with careful, precise and skillful placement of pigment to create the illusion of a nipple. The optical illusion of a nipple protrusion along with areola re-pigmentation, looks realistic and enhances the look of the reconstructed breast. It is very satisfying that women who have had this simple procedure done, are much happier and confident in her self-image. Their spouses are more excited and delighted with the result. This procedure  acquires an expertise in medical knowledge and skills to  accomplish the best result. Health Insurance coverage is available prior to actual surgery.

Image of Re-pigmented Areola Before & After (Our happy client)


More often than not, a healthy areola re-pigmentation is done to enhance the breast color, shape, correct pigment, and camouflage imperfection.  We address vitiligo, melanocyte restoration and correction of selected pigment disorders as well.

Enhanced Areola Re-pigmentation on Normal Healthy Breast (Our Client)

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